It was somebody's birthday a few days (week) ago! Little Haley turned 7!!! I love this girl so much. She is the sweetest person I have ever known. She gets into trouble like everyone of course, but she really does have a kind heart. Last week she wrote the pizza delivery guy a note thanking him for always making such great pizza and telling him how great he is. When she gave it to him he said he's never gotten anything like that before and he seemed genuinely touched. She has a gift for making people feel special. She is also very shy, not the type to call attention to herself. She is an animal lover, and sensitive to anyone who gets there feelings hurt. She is also the biggest blessing I have ever received.
{It was a happy birthday for this little girl...}
{Looking beautiful in her birthday outfit}
For Independence Day we went to my parents house. Every year we go over there to swim and watch fireworks. While we are together, we do an early b-day celebration and Haley opens her presents from her grandparents and her aunt and uncle.
{Haley with her Aunt Candace at her "pre-party" on the 4th of July}
Then on her real birthday we do a 'just mom and dad' day where we hang out and open presents and basically just do whatever she wants.
{At Red Lobster on her birthday...she loves fried shrimp}
After we ate lunch we convinced her it was a good idea to go to the mall and window shop for awhile since it was a rainy day. While we were there she spontaneously decided to pierce her ears! She's been wanting to do it for a long time, so we were happy she was brave enough.
She cried with joy when it was over. She's an emotional little thing...just like her momma I would guess! (I got teary eyed!) We will always remember that it was on ther 7th birthday, so I'm glad she did it on a momentous occasion. =0)
This year it really felt like she shed all "baby-ness" and transformed into a big girl. She didn't want anything princess or barbie. I guess now we are in the 'peace' and 'rock' phase, since everything she wants now says that!! She is also tired of the color pink but lord knows I am NOT repainting her room anytime soon!!!
The big one this year was a beta fish that she named Twinkles. We had her open the fish food and the aquarium first so that she would wonder if she was getting a fish and her reaction is exactly what we were hoping for. She was so excited and almost started crying when we told her she was, and then I went and took the fish out of hiding when Haley wasn't looking and when she turned around and saw it she was completely overwhelmed!

It's sounds crazy but there was definitely a mental shift in age that day. I think Haley even felt it. She would go to her room, listen to some of her new cds, then come out and tell us her plans and goals for being 7. First of all, she brushed her teeth twice, for ten minutes each time so that they would be nice and bright when she's 7. She also made plans to wake up early every morning and work out in her room so that she will live longer. It was so cute. She has yet to brush her teeth again with such gusto, or work out, but she has plenty of time for that. =0)